Dakota Reflections
Connecting Children with Nature
Welcome to Dakota Reflections
Nature Photography, Education and Conservation
Photo of the Day
Food Fight!
Fighting over winter-kill carp!
Bald Eagles
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- March 14, 2025
All Time Favorite Photo!
Love, Family and Home
Mom and Babe in Front of Snow Den!
Polar Bears
Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- March 2, 2022
Photo of the Month- March 2022
Photo of the Year- 2022
Photo of the Year- 2024
A Dream Come True!
Green Spikes in Reflective Water!
Northern Lights G4 KP9 Geomagnetic Storm and Little Missouri River
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 11, 2024 3:11:59 AM
Photo of the Month- October 2024
Photo of the Year- 2024
62,923 Website Visits in 2024!
All time high 172.4 per day
Thank you!!
Photo of the Year- 2023
What are the Odds?
Once in a Lifetime Photo!
Meteor (Shooting Star) Northern Lights Big Dipper and Badlands Butte
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 26, 2023
Photo of the Month September 2023
Photo of the Year 2023
See Night Sky page in Dakota Region tab for story behind the photo!!
46,327 Website Visits in 2023!
All time high 126.9 per day
Thank you!!
What is New in 2025!
Photo of the Day
(many can be found in Gallery II page)
3/14/25 Bald Eagles
3/13/25 Snow Geese
3/11/25 Snowy Owl
3/3/25 Fox Squirrel
2/5/25 Rough-legged Hawk
1/29/25 American Bald Eagles
1/26/25 Northern Shrike
27 photos added to pages in the Dakota Region tab in 2025 as of March 17, 2025
Photo of the Month February 2025
Morning Grooming!
Winter Visitor from Canada!
Rough-legged Hawk
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- February 5, 2025
Photo of the Month- February 2025
Photo of the Month January 2025
Rare sighting and flight photo!
Wintering in North Dakota!
Northern Shrike
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- January 26, 2025
Photo of the Month- January 2025
What is New in 2024!
Major Additions in 2024
Space Spectacle of a Lifetime!
Photo of the Day
(many can be found in Gallery II page)
12/29/24 Black-billed Magpie
12/26/24 Snowy Owl
12/21/24 Mule Deer
12/7/24 Porcupine
11/17/24 Bighorn Sheep
11/13/24 Whooping Crane
11/12/24 Bighorn Sheep
11/10/24 Bighorn Sheep
11/8/24 Bighorn Sheep
11/3/24 Bighorn Sheep
10/31/24 American Bald Eagle and Red-winged Blackbird
10/28/24 Trumpeter Swans
10/27/24 Snow Geese Blue Morph
10/26/24 Whooping Cranes
10/25/24 Greater White-fronted Geese
10/20/24 Bighorn Sheep
10/19/24 Sandhill Cranes
10/17/24 Tundra Swans
10/16/24 Great Egret
10/15/24 Tundra Swans
10/14/24 Mule Deer
10/13/24 Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan- ATLAS)
10/11/24 Northern Lights
10/10/24 Northern Lights
10/7/24 Northern Lights
10/6/24 Northern Lights
10/4/24 Great Egret
10/3/24 Northern Harrier
10/1/24 American White Pelican
9/27/24 Western Meadowlark
9/22/24 Mountain Bluebirds
9/15/24 Mountain Bluebird
9/14/24 Mountain Bluebird
9/13/24 Pronghorns
9/8/24 Mountain Bluebird
9/6/24 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
9/4/24 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
9/1/24 American Bison and Calf
8/31/24 Juvenile Cooper's Hawk
8/25/24 Rock Wrens
8/24/24 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/23/24 Black-capped Chickadee
8/22/24 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/18/24 Pronghorn
8/17/24 American Kestrel catching grasshopper in Flight
8/13/24 American Kestrels
8/12/24 Northern Lights
8/11/24 Northern Lights
8/6/24 Western Grebes
8/4/24 Mule Deer and Fawn
8/3/24 Swainson's Hawk and Western Kingbird
8/2/24 Western Kingbird
7/29/24 Burrowing Owl
7/28/24 Eastern Kingbird Mom and fledglings
7/21/24 Swainson's Hawk nestlings
7/20/24 Common Nighthawk
7/19/24 Burrowing Owl
7/17/24 Burrowing Owl
7/16/24 Extraordinarily rare Prairie Rattlesnake photos
of their Combat Dance!
7/15/24 Bullock's Oriole
7/14/24 Red-tailed Hawk
7/7/24 Cedar Waxwing
7/6/24 American Bison and Calf
7/4/24 Western Kingbird
7/3/24 Clay-colored Sparrow
7/2/24 Female Bobolink
7/1/24 Female Bobolink
6/30/24 Mountain Bluebird Fledglings
6/29/24 Eastern Bluebird Fledglings
6/28/24 Rock Wren
6/26/24 Western Grebe Water Dance
6/23/24 Mule Deer Doe and Fawn
6/19/24 Eastern Bluebird
6/16/24 Mountain Bluebird mom feeding her baby
6/14/24 White-faced Ibis
6/13/24 White-tailed Mom (Doe) and Baby (Fawn)
6/11/24 Killdeer parent and Baby
6/9/24 Mountain Bluebird
6/8/24 Western Meadowlarks
6/1/24 Downy Woodpecker
5/31/24 Red Fox Kit
5/30/24 Red Fox Kit
5/28/24 Red Fox Kits
5/27/24 Spotted Towhee
5/25/24 Bobolink
5/19/24 Wild Turkey
5/17/24 American Bittern
5/12/24 Brown Thrasher
5/11/24 Column of Colors Northern Lights
5/10/24 Farland Church and Northern Lights
5/9/24 American Kestrel
5/5/24 Northern Harrier, Western Meadowlark, Black-billed Magpie, Mountain Bluebird, American Kestrel, Loggerhead Shrike
5/4/24 American Robin
5/3/24 Say's Phoebe
4/27/24 Western Meadowlark
4/23/24 Loggerhead Shrike
4/23/24 American Bison and Calf
4/21/24 Mountain Bluebird
4/20/24 Green-winged Teal
4/17/24 Mallard
4/15/24 Western Meadowlark
4/12/24 American Kestrel
4/11/24 Cedar Waxwings
4/9/24 Porcupine
4/6/24 American Kestrel
4/4/24 Mountain Bluebird
4/3/24 Redheads
4/2/24 Hooded Merganser
4/1/24 Northern Harrier
3/20/24 Mallards
3/19/24 Mallard
3/18/24 Snow Geese
3/17/24 Cedar Waxwings
3/10/24 Golden Eagle
3/7/24 Canada Geese
3/1/24 American Bald Eagle
2/26/24 Canada Geese
2/22/24 American Bald Eagles
2/11/24 Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
1/1/24 Porcupine
568 photos added to pages in the Dakota Region tab in 2024 as of January 26, 2025
38 photos added to pages in the Bird tab in 2024 as of November 23, 2024
Photo of the Month December 2024
On the Move!
Mule Deer use a Pronking Gait!
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- December 21, 2024
Photo of the Month- December 2024
Photo of the Month November 2024
Hope for the Future!
Juvenile heading South!
Whooping Crane
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- November 13, 2024
Photo of the Month- November 2024
Photo of the Month October 2024
A Dream Come True!
A River of Color!
Northern Lights and Little Missouri River
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 11, 2024
Photo of the Month- October 2024
Photo of the Month September 2024
Due to stacked hummingbird melanosomes!
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 4, 2024
Photo of Month- September 2024
Photo of the Month August 2024
Not a Sunset!
Red Reflection after Midnight!
Northern Lights
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 12, 2024
Photo of the Month- August 2024
Photo of the Month July 2024
A Lifetime Photo!
Extraordinarily Rare Combat Dance!
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 16, 2024
Photo of the Month- July 2024
Males compete in combat rituals to earn mating rights to nearby females. In these combat “dances,” males face each other with their heads and part of their bodies off the ground, then they intertwine and attempt to throw each other into the ground. The male which is not thrown into the ground earns dominance and mating rights.
Photo of the Month June 2024
Fledgling Feeding!
A very, very special Day !
Mountain Bluebirds
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- June 16, 2024
Photo of Month- June 2024
Photo of the Month May 2024
Magnificent Column of Colors!
Northern Lights in strong geomagnetic storms have more colors (8) than rainbows (7-red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and violet).
Green: The most common color, caused by oxygen at lower altitudes; Red: Caused by oxygen at higher altitudes, and is associated with intense solar activity; Blue: Caused by nitrogen particles, and is the rarest color; Pink: Caused by nitrogen molecules in the upper bands of the aurora, usually at least 150 miles above the ground; Purple: Caused by a mix of nitrogen and oxygen; Yellow: Caused by a mix of nitrogen and oxygen; Orange: Can sometimes be seen, but is very rare and White: Can sometimes be seen
Strongest Geomagnetic Storm (G5 KP9) since 1989 (35 years)!
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 11, 2024
Photo of the Month May 2024
"May’s northern lights were the space spectacle of a lifetime, scientists say.
Space scientists are saying the solar storm was the most impressive in decades and, by some measures, even centuries."
Washington Post May 25, 2024
"During the first full week of May, a barrage of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched clouds of charged particles and magnetic fields toward Earth, creating the strongest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades — and possibly one of the strongest displays of auroras on record in the past 500 years."
NASA May 16, 2024
In early May, a particularly large and complex sunspot cluster called Active Region 3664 appeared on the solar disc. It cranked outa barrage of X-class solar flares— the most intense kind, or explosions of high-energy particles and electrons that race through space at the speed of light. Several shortwave radio blackouts affected high-frequency signals on Earth.
Slower-moving shock waves of magnetism, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), barreled through space like interstellar tsunamis. Several overlapped, colliding with Earth’s magnetic field on the night of May 10, igniting vibrant auroral displays around the world. NASA said it was among the strongest aurora displays in 500 years.
The sun takes about 27 days to rotate, meaning that, since two weeks have elapsed, the sunspot is rotating back into view. As is customary, it has been assigned a new name and number: Active Region 3697.
Washington Post May 30, 2024
Photo of the Month April 2024
Diving Duck goes Fishing!
Hooded Merganser
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 2, 2024
Photo of the Month- April 2024
Photo of the Month March 2024
The Great Spring Migration!
Nesting Grounds in the High Arctic!
Snow Geese
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- March 18, 2024
Photo of the Month- March 2024
Photo of the Month February 2024
Mates for Life!
Smaller male is on the left!
American Bald Eagles
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- February 22, 2024
Photo of the Month February 2024
Photo of the Month January 2024
Aternoon Snack!
Eating Bark!
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- January 1, 2024
Photo of Month January 2024
What is New in 2023!
Will You be My Friend Children's Book Series
Children's Nature eBooks
available at Amazon.com
#1 Foxy Babies
#2 Baby Panda Adventure
#3 Foxy Town USA
#4 Seven Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds
#5 Time to Go Potty
#6 There are More than Tigers in India
#7 Seven Reasons to Love American Kestrels
#8 Owl About It
#10 Polar Bear Adventure
more to come this year!
Search Stephen McDonough MD
Loggerhead Shrikes photo taken on May 15, 2021 included in the definitive shrike book "Shrikes of the World" published in 2022 and was available for purchase in March 2023!
February-March 2023!
The new Alaska page is the States of USA tab is based on Seven trips to Alaska from 2006 to 2018- new photos will be added during February 2023- 32 added as of March 18, 2023
1 photo added from November 30, 2014 to the Antarctica page and education information added to the Antarctica page on February 3, 2023
10 Photos added to the Books, Education and Events tab as of January 7, 2023
Major Additions in 2023
Photo of the Day
(many can be found in Gallery II page)
12/30/23 Bighorn Sheep
12/18/23 Bighorn Sheep
12/13/23 Northern Lights
12/1/23 Northern Lights
11/12/23 Northern Lights
11/11/23 Bighorn Sheep
11/3/23 American Bald Eagle and Snow Goose
10/31/23 Sandhill Crane
10/29/23 Snow Geese
10/25/23 Tundra Swans
10/21/23 Wilson's Snipe
10/19/23 Bighorn Sheep
10/16/23 Bighorn Sheep
10/15/23 Bighorn Sheep
10/10/23 American Bison
10/9/23 Mule Deer
9/29/23 White-crowned Sparrow
9/28/23 Feral Horses
9/27/23 Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
9/26/23 Meteor Northern Lights Big Dipper Badlands Butte
9/25/23 Feral Horses
9/24/23 Feral Horses
9/23/23 Feral Horses
9/20/23 Coyote
9/19/23 American White Pelicans
9/18/23 Northern Lights and Pleiades Reflection
8/25/23 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/24/23 White-faced Ibis
8/18/23 Cattle Egret
8/15/23 White-faced Ibis
8/14/23 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/9/23 White-faced Ibis
7/23/23 Eared Grebes
7/9/23 Lazuli Bunting
6/17/23 Mallard Mom with Ducklings
6/14/23 Green-winged Teal
6/12/23 Northern Pintail
6/10/23 Burrowing Owl
6/8/23 Brown Thrasher
6/6/23 Snowy Egret
5/30/23 Northern Pintail
5/23/23 Great Blue Heron
5/16/23 American Redstart
5/15/23 Great Blue Heron
5/10/23 Blue-winged Teals
5/8/23 Red Fox Kits
5/5/23 Blue Jay
5/1/23 Great Blue Heron
4/24/23 Greater Scaups
4/23/23 Northern Lights
4/17/23 Common Mergansers
4/16/23 Common Goldeneye
4/15/23 Red-tailed Hawk and Red-winged Blackbird
4/11/23 American Bald Eagle
4/10/23 American Kestrel
4/8/23 Ring-necked Pheasant
4/2/23 Northern Harrier
3/30/23 Lake Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
3/29/23 Horned Lark
190 photos added to pages in the Dakota Region tab in 2023 as of February 10, 2024
8 photos added to Hummingbird page in Birds tab in 2023 as of October 6, 2023
Photo of the Month December 2023
Vestiges in Time!
Northern Lights, Big Dipper and an Abandoned School House
Northern Lights
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- December 13, 2023
Photo of the Month November 2023
Skyline Parade!
Male with Four Ewes
Bighorn Sheep
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- November 11, 2023
Photo of the Month November 2023
Photo of the Month October 2023
Late Afternoon Snack!
Autumn Colors!
Bighorn Sheep
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 15, 2023
Photo of the Month September 2023
What are the Odds?
Once in a Lifetime Photo!
Meteor (Shooting Star) Northern Lights Big Dipper and Badlands Butte
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 26, 2023
Photo of the Month September 2023
See Night Sky page in Dakota Region tab for story behind the photo!!
Photo of the Month August 2023
Morning Landing!
Impressive Wings!
Cattle Egret
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 18, 2023
Photo of the Month August 2023
Photo of the Month July 2023
Love in the Offering!
Eared Grebes
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 23, 2023
Photo of the Month- July 2023
Photo of the Month June 2023
I See You!
Burrowing Owl
McLean County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- June 10, 2023
Photo of the Month- June 2023
Photo of the Month May 2023
Girls out Front!
Flying Together!
Blue-winged Teals
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 10, 2023
Photo of the Month- May 2023
Photo of the Month April 2023
On the Fly!
Staying on top of 2 feet of snow!
American Kestrel
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 10, 2023
Photo of the Month- April 2023
Photo of the Year- 2022
Love, Family and Home
Mom and Babe in Front of Snow Den!
Polar Bears
Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- March 2, 2022
Photo of the Month- March 2022
Photo of the Year- 2022
What was New in 2022!
Beginning on November 8, 2022-Hundreds of Photos from Tanzania and Uganda were added over the next month!
The Five Africa Cats
African Elephants
Black Rhinoceros
Mountain Gorillas
Baby Red Fox Photos!
More Polar Bear Photos on Sea Ice!
Northern Lights Photos!
Baby Polar Bears are Here- Triplets and Snow Den!!
Major Additions and Revisions made to Florida page, Brown Bear tab, Polar Bear tab, new Africa tab, Tanzania page, Uganda page and in Birds tab!
Major Additions in 2022
Photo of the Day
(many can be found in Gallery II page)
11/23/22 American Bald Eagle
11/2/22 Silverback Mountain Gorilla
11/1/22 Mountain Gorillas
10/31/22 Mountain Gorillas
10/30/22 Three-horned Chameleon
10/29/22 Ross's Turaco
10/28/22 Lions
10/27/22 Leopard
10/26/22 Wildebeests and Great Migration
10/25/22 Ostrich
10/24/22 Lions
10/23/22 Cheetahs
10/22/22 Caracal
10/21/22 Black Rhinoceros
10/20/22 Masai Giraffes
10/19/22 African Elephants
10/18/22 Liliac-breasted Roller
10/17/22 White-fronted Bee-eater
10/16/22 Variable Sunbird
10/5/22 American Avocets
9/30/22 Mule Deer
9/29/22 White-crowned Sparrow
9/28/22 Autumn Colors
9/26/22 Killdeer
9/25/22 Northern Flicker
9/24/22 Mule Deer
9/18/22 Feral Horse
9/17/22 American Kestrel
9/16/22 American Kestrel
9/13/22 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
9/11/22 Barn Swallows getting Breakfast
9/10/22 Bison Mom Nursing as Moon set before Sunrise
9/9/22 Cedar Waxwings
9/5/22 Elk
9/4/22 American Kestrel eating a bug
9/3/22 Badlands, Big Dipper and Aurora Borealis
8/31/22 Great Blue Heron catching a fish
8/29/22 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/28/22 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/26/22 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/23/2022 American Avocets
8/20/2022 Western Grebes
8/16/2022 American Bald Eagle
8/16/2022 American White Pelicans
8/10/2022 Black-crowned Night Heron
8/9/2022 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
8/3/2022 Juvenile Northern Harrier
7/29/2022 Belted Kingfisher
7/27/2022 Sharp-shinned Hawk
7/22/2022 Marbled Godwit
7/17/2022 White-faced Ibis
7/13/2022 Black-crowned Night Heron
7/10/2022 American Kestrel
7/9/2022 Mountain Bluebird
7/8/2022 Western Meadowlark
7/1/2022 Swainson's Hawk and Common Grackle
6/28/2022 Western Grebes
6/27/2022 American Bittern
6/23/2022 Mallard
6/22/2022 Black-crowned Night Heron
6/21/2022 Great Blue Heron
6/17/2022 Red Fox Kits
6/16/2022 Swainson's Hawk
6/15/2022 Blue Grosbeak
6/14/2022 Red Fox Kits
6/11/2022 Red Fox Kits
6/8/2022 Common Tern
6/6/2022 Red Fox Kits
6/5/2022 Red-eyed Vireo
6/4/2022 American Bison
6/3/2022 White-breasted Nuthatch
6/2/2022 Burrowing Owls
6/1/2022 Red Fox Kits
5/31/2022 Red Fox Kits
5/30/2022 Desert Cottontail
5/29/2022 Cedar Waxwing
5/28/2022 Red Fox Kit
5/27/2022 Mule Deer
5/26/2022 Feral Horses and Little Missouri River Landscape
5/25/2022 Bullsnake
5/24/2022 Red-tailed Hawk
5/23/2022 Black-headed Grosbeak
5/21/2022 Feral Horses
5/20/2022 Orchard Oriole
5/19/2022 Coyote and Wood Ducks
5/18/2022 Spotted Towhee
5/17/2022 Elk in Velvet
5/16/2022 Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
5/15/2022 Lunar Eclipse
5/14/2022 Chipping Sparrow
5/13/2022 Yellow Warblers
5/10/2022 Northern Harrier nest building
5/5/2022 Glossy and White-faced Ibis
5/2/2022 Cedar Waxwings
5/1/2022 Willet
4/27/2022 Cooper's Hawk
4/20/2022 Hooded Merganser
4/13/2022 Glacier Landscape
4/12/2022 Polar Bear Running
4/11/2022 Icebergs at Sunset
4/10/2022 Polar Bear drinking on the Run
4/9/2022 Polar Bear attacking a Seal Den
4/8/2022 Northern Lights and Icebergs
4/7/2022 Polar Bear Mom and Cub
4/6/2022 Northern Lights
4/5/2022 Iqaluit Nunavut Canada
4/1/2022 Northern Lights
3/30/2022 Northern Lights
3/23/2022 Ducks (Northern Pintails) under the Moon
3/19/2022 Chipping Sparrow
3/17/2022 Snow Geese
3/15/2022 Horned Lark
3/2/2022 Polar Bears and Snow Den!
3/1/2022 Northern Lights
2/28/2022 Polar Bear
2/27/2022 Polar Bear Triplets and Mom
2/26/2022 Polar Bears
2/24/2022 Arctic Fox
2/23/2022 Arctic Fox
1/8/2022 Yellow-crowned Night Heron
1/7/2022 Ospreys
1/6/2022 Roseate Spoonbill
1/5/2022 Redish Egret
1/4/2022 Osprey
1/3/2022 Great Egret
1/2/2022 American White Pelican
302 Photos added to the Tanzania page in the Africa tab as of December 3, 2022
124 Photos added to the Uganda page in the Africa tab as of December 15, 2022
227 photos added to pages in the Dakota Region tab in 2022 as of January 11, 2023
173 photos added to pages in the Polar Bear/Arctic tab in 2022 as of May 12, 2022
174 photos added to pages in the Bird tab in 2022 as of October 10, 2022
4 Photos added to Florida page in States tab as of February 1, 2022
8 Photos added to the Books, Education and Events tab as of March 6, 2022
Photo of the Month November 2022
Mountain Gorillas
Bwindi Impenatrable Forest, Uganda
Photo of the Day- November 1, 2022
Photo of the Month- November 2022
Photo of the Month October 2022
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Photo of the Day- October 23, 2022
Photo of the Month- October 2022
Photo of the Month September 2022
Bison Mom Nursing her Babe as Harvest Moon set before Sunrise!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 10, 2022
Photo of the Month- September 2022
An Oddball Photo by an Oddball Photographer September 10, 2022
What are the odds of seeing an American Bison mom nursing her babe as the moon set before sunrise in Theodore Roosevelt National Park? Once in this old photographer's lifetime! It was 32 degrees with frost on the windshield but the sight of a mom taking care of her baby in the frosty morning warmed the heart!
Photo of the Month- August 2022
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 28, 2022
Photo of the Month- August 2022
Photo of the Month- July 2022
Blue upon Blue!
Mountain Bluebird
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day July 9, 2022
Photo of the Month July 2022
Photo of the Month- June 2022
High Jump!
Red Fox Kits
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day June 14, 2022
Photo of the Month June 2022
Photo of the Month- May 2022
Glossy Ibis and White-faced Ibis Flying Together!
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 5, 2022
Photo of the Month for May 2022
Photo of the Month- April 2022
Northern Lights and Icebergs
Baffin Bay, Nunavut, Canada
Photo of the Day- April 8, 2022
Photo of the Month- April 2022
Conditions needed for this Photograph!
Photo of the Month- March 2022
Mom and Babe in Front of Home (Snow Den)!
Polar Bears
Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- March 2, 2022
Photo of the Month- March 2022
Photo of the Month- February 2022
Unconditional Love!
Polar Bears
Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- February 27, 2022
Photo of the Month- February 2022
Photo of the Month- January 2022
Home Builder!
Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida
Photo of the Day- January 4, 2022
Photo of the Month- January 2022
Photo of the Year- 2021
Close Encounter of the Wild Wolf Kind!
Gray Wolf
Kaska Coast, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- November 17, 2021
Photo of the Year- 2021
Not my best but a favorite! A 100+ pound Gray Wolf from 4 yards away! I was walking with the front guide with 15 others near Hudson Bay when this wolf came up to our group and stood in front of me for 30 to 60 seconds before walking away. Wolves are not hunted there and have no fear of man. We just looked at each other- I was transfixed and the wolf just curious! Best wildlife encounter of my life!!
What is New in 2021!
New photos from the Arctic- Polar Bears and other Species- please see Subarctic Tab
Major Additions in 2021
Indonesia page in Asia tab modified with enlarged photos and tribute to Widodo Ramono- conservationist for critically endangered Sumatran and Javan Rhinos
McDonough Family Conservation Fund page in Endangered Species tab modified with tribute to Dr. David Wildt, founding member of Conservation Centers for Species Survival in C2S2 page
Photo of the Day
12/16/2021 American Bison
11/24/2021 Aurora Borealis
11/23/2021 Red Fox
11/22/2021 Sunset
11/20/2021 Polar Bear
11/19/2021 Polar Bear
11/18/2021 Snowy Owl
11/17/2021 Gray Wolf
11/8/2021 Snow Geese
11/6/2021 Whooping Cranes
11/5/2021 Whooping Cranes
11/4/2021 Greater White-fronted Geese
11/2/2021 Whooping Cranes
11/1/2021 Whooping Cranes
10/29/2021 Whooping Cranes
10/23/2021 Osprey
10/17/2021 Osprey
10/16/2021 Harris's Sparrow
10/16/2021 Western Meadowlark
10/11/2021 Mink
10/4/2021 Canada and Snow Geese
10/2/2021 American Avocet
9/30/2021 Sunrise
9/29/2021 Mule Deer
9/28/2021 Autumn Colors
9/27/2021 Mountain Bluebird
9/26/2021 Autumn Colors
9/25/2021 Great Blue Heron
9/14/2021 American Avocet
9/9/2021 Belted Kingfisher
9/8/2021 Clay-colored Sparrow
9/7/2021 Great Egret
9/6/2021 Red-tailed Hawk
9/5/2021 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
9/4/2021 Wood Duck
8/29/2021 Wood Ducks
8/28/2021 Great Blue Heron
8/25/2021 Great Blue Heron
8/24/2021 Belted Kingfisher
8/23/2021 American White Pelicans
8/21/2021 Belted Kingfisher
8/13/2021 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/12/2021 Prairie Falcon
8/10/2021 Upland Sandpiper
8/8/2021 Dickcissel
8/5/2021 Sora
8/2/2021 Willow Flycatcher
8/1/2021 Black-crown Night-heron
7/22/2021 Red-tailed Hawk
7/20/2021 Western Kingbirds
7/18/2021 Eastern Kingbirds
7/17/2021 Red-tailed Hawk and Western Kingbird
7/15/2021 Red-tailed Hawk and Western Kingbird
7/10/2021 Red-tailed Hawk Fledglings
7/1/2021 Willow Flycatcher
6/28/2021 Baby Red-tailed Hawk
6/25/2021 Mule Deer Mom and Fawn
6/24/2021 Lazuli Bunting
6/23/2021 Red-headed Woodpecker
6/22/2021 Red Fox Kits
6/21/2021 Yellow Warbler
6/20/2021 Loggerhead Shrike
6/19/2021 Mule Deer
6/18/2021 Red-headed Woodpeckers
6/17/2021 Red-tailed Hawk
6/14/2021 Red Fox Kit
6/13/2021 Red Fox Kit
6/12/2021 Red Fox Kits
6/11/2021 Red Fox Kit
6/10/2021 Red Fox Kit
6/6/2021 American Goldfinch
6/5/2021 Red-headed Woodpecker
6/4/2021 Prairie Rose
6/3/2021 Brown Thrasher
6/2/2021 Mountain Bluebirds
6/1/2021 Yellow Warbler
5/30/2021 Wilson's Phalaropes
5/28/2021 American Avocets
5/24/2021 Grizzly Bear- 2nd Year
5/23/2021 Black Bear Mom and Spring Cub
5/22/2021 American Bison
5/21/2021 Cinnamon Black Bear
5/20/2021 Back-billed Magpie
5/19/2021 Feral Horses
5/17/2021 Downy Woodpecker
5/14/2021 Loggerhead Shrikes
5/14/2021 Yellow Warbler
5/13/2021 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
5/12/2021 Common Tern
5/11/2021 Cattle Egret
5/10/2021 American Avocet
5/7/2021 Swainson's Hawk
5/6/2021 Northern Shovelers
5/5/2021 Amerian Bison
5/4/2021 Coyote
5/3/2021 Northern Harriers
5/1/2021 American Avocet
4/30/2021 Wood Duck
4/29/2021 Western Meadowlark
4/28/2021 Loggerhead Shrike
4/24/2021 American Kestrels
4/22/2021 Great Blue Heron
4/21/2021 Whooping Cranes
4/17/2021 Whooping Cranes
4/13/2021 Red-tailed Hawk
4/10/2021 Cedar Waxwings
4/8/2021 Great Egret
4/4/2021 American Tree Sparrow
4/3/2021 Snow and Canada Geese
4/2/2021 Hooded and Common Mergansers
3/31/2021 Hooded and Common Mergansers
3/28/2021 American Bald Eagle
3/25/2021 American Bald Eagle
3/22/2021 Ring-billed and Herring Gulls
3/20/2021 American Bald Eagle
3/19/2021 Mountain Bluebird
3/18/2021 Golden Eagle
3/13/2021 Mallards
3/12/2021 Ross's Goose and Canada Geese
3/9/2021 Canada Geese
3/7/2021 Mountain Bluebird
3/6/2021 Golden Eagle
3/3/2021 Horned Lark
3/1/2021 Great Horned Owl
2/26/2021 Moonset
2/25/2021 Black-capped Chickadee
2/22/2021 Cedar Waxwing
2/4/2021 Canada Geese
2/3/2021 Mule Deer
2/2/2021 River Otter
2/1/2021 Coyote
1/31/2021 American Bison
1/30/2021 American Bald Eagle
1/29/2021 Golden Eagle
1/28/2021 Elk
1/23/2021 Rough-legged Hawk
1/16/2021 American Bald Eagles
1/11/2021 Mallards
1/6/2021 American Bald Eagle
1/5/2021 American Bald Eagle
1/1/2021 Frosty New Year's Day
Ecuador page in South America tab modified with enlarged photos and bird information added
Hummingbird page in Bird tab modified with enlarged photos
900 photos added to Dakota Region tab in 2021 as of November 11, 2021
101 photos added to Yellowstone page in the National Park tab in 2021 as of June 1, 2021
91 photos added to pages in the Bird tab in 2021 as of November 9, 2021
55 photos added to pages in the Polar Bear- Subarctic tab in 2021 as of December 6, 2021
Photo of the Month- November 2021
Very, very Impressive!
Polar bears have large paws compared to body size, reaching 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter. The large paws of a polar bear act like snowshoes, spreading out the bear's weight as it moves over ice and snow. The forepaws are round and partially webbed!
Polar Bear
Kaska Coast, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- November 19, 2021
Photo of the Month- October 2021
Rarely Photographed in North Dakota!
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 11, 2021
Photo of the Month October 2021
Photo of the Month- September 2021
A Long Time Coming- Trying to Photograph a Kingfisher in Flight with a Fish!
Belted Kingfisher
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 9, 2021
Photo of the Month September 2021
Photo of the Month- August 2021
Who Knew? Finding Nectar in an Unopened Flower!
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 13, 2021
Photo of the Month August 2021
Photo of the Month- July 2021
Feeding a Fledgling when Flying!
Eastern Kingbirds
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 18, 2021
Photo of the Month July 2021
Photo of the Month- June 2021
Lazuli Bunting
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Photo of the Day- June 24, 2021
Photo of the Month June 2021
Photo of the Month- May 2021
The Future!
Two-Year-Old Grizzly Bear Cutb
Yellowstone National Park
Photo of the Day- May 24, 2021
Photo of the Month May 2021
Photo of the Month- April 2021
Breakfast Reflection!
Great Egret
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 8, 2021
Photo of the Month April 2021
Photo of the Month- March 2021
Majestic Nest Builder!
Golden Eagle
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- March 18, 2021
Photo of the Month March 2021
Photo of the Month- February 2021
Coyote hunting for Mice!
Yellowstone National Park
Photo of the Day- February 1, 2021
Photo of the Month February 2021
Photo of the Month- January 2021
National Symbol!
American Bald Eagle
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- January 11, 2021
Photo of the Month January 2021
Photo of the Year- 2020
Mom is Feeding her Baby!
American Kestrels
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 3, 2020
Photo of the Month- July 2020
Photo of the Year- 2020
Hiding in plain sight! I had been looking for an American Kestrel nest for Four Years and it turned out that it was very close to a road that I had driven many times. I felt that there was one in the area that I had seen Kestrels but I had not been able to find it. In June 2020, after delaying arrival to Theodore Roosevelt National Park to photograph a red fox, I witnessed and photographed a male Kestrel feeding his mate. By watching the area for several hours, I saw this activity repeated and was able to follow mom to their nest!
What was New in 2020!
Stephen L McDonough Family Wildlife Conservation Fund program announcement- 3 International conservation programs funded- please see in Endangered Species tab!
Photo of the Day
12/19/2020 Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction
12/18/2020 American Bald Eagles
11/6/2020 Snow Geese
11/3/2020 Tundra Swans
10/26/2020 Whooping Crane
10/13/2020 Greater White-fronted Geese
10/12/2020 Great Horned Owl
10/11/2020 Great Horned Owl
10/10/2020 American Bald Eagle
10/8/2020 Ring-necked Pheasant
10/6/2020 Common Grackle
10/5/2020 Red-tailed Hawk
10/4/2020 Yellow-rumped Warbler
9/30/2020 Sandhill Cranes
9/29/2020 American Avocet
9/21/2020 Yellow-rumped Warbler
9/17/2020 Sandhill Cranes
9/16/2020 Pied-billed Grebe
9/13/2020 Belted Kingfisher
9/12/2020 Red-tailed Hawk
9/11/2020 Long-billed Dowitchers
9/10/2020 Merlin
9/9/2020 Great Blue Heron
9/8/2020 American Avocet
9/4/2020 Great Blue Heron
9/3/2020 Swainson's Hawk
9/1/2020 Swainson's Hawk
8/29/2020 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/22/2020 Golden Northern Bumble Bee
8/17/2020 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/16/2020 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/15/2020 Southern Sky
8/3/2020 Lazuli Bunting
8/2/2020 Indigo Bunting
7/31/2020 Cedar Waxwing
7/27/2020 Eastern Bluebird
7/25/2020 American Bison
7/24/2020 Comet Neowise
7/18/2020 Comet Neowise
7/16/2020 Eastern Kingbird
7/12/2020 Canada Geese
7/11/2020 American Kestrels
7/8/2020 Red Fox
7/5/2020 White-tailed Deer
7/4/2020 American Goldfinch
7/3/2020 American Kestrels
7/2/2020 Lazuli Bunting
7/1/2020 Lark Sparrow
6/28/2020 Least Chipmunk
6/27/2020 Swainson's Hawk
6/26/2020 Eared Grebes
6/23/2020 Double-crested Cormorant
6/21/2020 Yellow Warbler
6/20/2020 American Kestrel
6/18/2020 Western Grebes
6/17/2020 American Coots
6/14/2020 Feral Horses
6/12/2020 American Kestrel
6/11/2020 American Kestrels
6/10/2020 American Kestrels
6/7/2020 Black-crowned Night-heron
6/5/2020 American Avocet and Black-necked Stilt
6/4/2020 Red Foxes
6/3/2020 Common Tern
6/2/2020 Red Fox Kit
5/31/2020 Great Horned Owlet
5/30/2020 Yellow Warbler
5/29/2020 Red Fox Kits
5/27/2020 Bobolink
5/26/2020 Great Horned Owls
5/23/2020 Great Horned Owls
5/22/2020 Red Fox Kit
5/21/2020 American Avocet
5/18/2020 Great Blue Heron
5/17/2020 Red Fox Kits
5/15/2020 Great Horned Owls
5/14/2020 Red Fox
5/12/2020 Western Meadowlark
5/11/2020 Golden Eagles
5/10/2020 Red Fox Kits
5/8/2020 Red Fox Kits
5/7/2020 Western Meadowlark
5/6/2020 Red Fox Kits (tie)
5/6/2020 Great Horned Owl (tie)
5/3/2020 Great Horned Owls
5/2/2020 Great Horned Owls
5/1/2020 Great Horned Owls
4/30/2020 White-face Ibis
4/29/2020 Great Horned Owls
4/28/2020 American Bittern
4/27/2020 Muskrat
4/26/2020 Great Horned Owls
4/25/2020 Beaver
4/24/2020 Wood Ducks
4/22/2020 White-face Ibis
4/19/2020 Whooping Cranes
4/18/2020 Wilson's Snipes
4/17/2020 Bald Eagle
4/16/2020 Bald Eagle
4/15/2020 Northern Pintail
4/12/2020 White-faced Ibis
4/10/2020 Wood Duck
4/9/2020 Common Grackles
4/7/2020 Northern Shoveler
4/5/2020 Bald Eagle Lunch
4/4/2020 Northern Harrier
4/3/2020 Muskrat
3/31/2020 Northern Shovelers
3/30/2020 Mallards
3/29/2020 Golden Eagle
3/28/2020 Mountain Bluebird
3/23/20 White-breasted Nuthatch
3/22/20 Red-breasted Nuthatch
3/21/20 Red-breasted Nuthatch
3/17/20 Pine Siskin
3/13/20 Black-capped Chicadee
Previous Photos of the Day can be found in Gallery Page
2/9/2020- Nature 2 Book now available!
4/19/20- New Beaver page in Dakota Region- 19 Photos!!
6/13/20 New American Kestrel page in Dakota Region- 124 photos
7/20/20 New Night Sky page started in Dakota Region
8/18/20 Ruby-throated Hummingbird photos added to Hummingbird page in Dakota Region tab
Over 1095 photos added to Dakota Region in 2020 as of December 31, 2020
Photo of Month- December 2020
Striding Forward and Still Together at the End of 2020!
For more photos, please see Dakota Raptors page in the Dakota Region tab
American Bald Eagles
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- December 18, 2020
Photo of the Month December 2020
Photo of the Month- November 2020
Tundra Swans
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota
November 3, 2020
Photo of the Month- October 2020
Stay Out of My Neighborhood
Red-tailed Hawk and Common Grackle
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 6, 2020
Photo of the Month for October 2020
Photo of the Month- September 20
Heading South!
American Avocets
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 11, 2020
Photo of the Month- September 2020
American Avocets breed in west-central states east of the Rocky Mountains and into Canada. They winter in coastal areas of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico and Central America.
"Singing to His Babies"
Mountain Bluebird photo selected by the Theodore Roosevelt Nature History Association in the 2020 Theodore Roosevelt National Park Calendar for the Month of May 2020 (Mountain Bluebird page in Dakota Region tab)
"Singing to His Babies"
selected for 2020 Theodore Roosevelt National Park Calendar!
This Mountain Bluebird Dad was photographed in June 2019 singing to his babies as to say "Don't worry babies, Mom is bringing more food and I will go out to catch more bugs for you!" Mountain Bluebirds are devoted parents and try to feed each of their 6 babies twice a hour- lots of mouths to feed! This is the second year that one of my photos was selected for the national park calendar, last year was a porcupine.
"Will You Be My Friend?"
Children's Book Nature Series
Seven Books available now!
More to Come!!
#1 Foxy Babies
Roxy, Leo and Moxy are baby red fox babies who love to play and explore together! Photographed in North Dakota.
"Foxy Babies" is a book about sibling releationships, playing with other and getting along. The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of wild red foxes.
#2 Baby Panda Adventure
Baby Giant Panda Xian Long (Little Dragon) gets help from his sister Bao Bao (Treasured Baby) in learning to climb a tree! Photographed in China.
"Baby Panda Adventure" is a book about sibling releationships and helping each other to learn a skill. The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of baby Giant Pandas in Panda reserves in Chengdu.
#3 Foxy Town USA
Baby red foxes Moxy and Leo live in Foxy Town USA. Count the Baby Foxes and see how they greet their Mom! Photographed in North Dakota.
"Foxy Town USA" is a book about learning to count and family releationships, . The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of wild red foxes.
#4 Seven Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds
Mike and Molly are Mountain Bluebirds. See how they build their nest and feed their babies! Photographed in North Dakota.
"Seven Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds" is a book about parental responsibility and family. The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of wild Mountain Bluebirds.
#5 Time to Go Potty
Leo is a baby Red Fox who needs to learn to go potty in the right place! Advice is given on potty training. Wild animals were photographed throughout the world.
"Time to Go Potty" is a book about learing the skill of going potty with photographs of animals going potty. The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of wild animals including mammals and birds.
#6 There are More than Tigers in India
Garud (King of Birds) and Gangi (Sacred) are green bee-eaters who discuss conservation and animals in India! Photographed in India
"There are More than Tigers in India" is a book about conservation and animals found in India. The book is soft cover and 30 pages long, all with actual photographs of wild mammals, reptiles and birds.
#7 Seven Reasons to Love American Kestrels
Abby and Andy are baby American Kestrels and are taken care of by their parents Alex and Amber! Photographed in North Dakota
"Seven Reasons to Love American Kestrels" is a book about nature and family and importance of predators. The book is soft cover and 34 pages long, all with actual photographs of American Kestrels.
Nature Book Series
“Nature” is a 60-page book with hard cover and photographs with informative captions about animals and landscapes throughout the world. Photographs include: brown bears (7), polar bears (3), arctic fox, African elephant, Kilimanjaro, giraffe (2), cheetah (2), Denali, guanacos, Fer-de-Lance, black caiman, great egret, white-faced ibis, snowy owl (2), little blue heron, sharp-tailed grouse, Cooper’s hawk, osprey, red-tailed hawk, moose, magnificent hummingbird, slaty flowerpiercer, long-tailed silky flycatcher, brown-throated three-toed sloth, chestnut-colored woodpecker, roseate spoonbills, Sumatran rhinoceros (2), bighorn sheep, St. Mary Lake- Glacier National Park, Badlands sunset, American bison skeleton, icebergs (2), Paine Grande- Torres del Paine National Park, Pleneau Bay- Antarctica, Southern elephant seals (2), Gentoo penguins (4), Antarctic fur seals, orca, leopard seal, Mt. Fitz Roy- Los Glaciares National Park, dragonfly, purple-throated woodstar, collared incas. Countries included in the book include: United States- Alaska, North Dakota, Florida, Montana; Canada- Manitoba; Africa- Tanzania; South America- Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru; Central America- Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize; Asia- Indonesia; Antarctica, Falkland Islands and South Georgia. Photographs included in the book were taken from 2007 to 2015.
Nature 2
“Nature 2” is a 111-page book with hard cover and photographs with informative captions about animals and landscapes throughout the world. Photographs include: giant pandas (3) brown bears (2), black bear, wolf, coyote (2), American bison (2), moose (2), bighorn sheep (2), American badger (2), sandhill cranes (4), whooping cranes (2), sarus cranes, red-tailed hawks (5), Northern caracara, ferruginous hawk, Swainson's hawk (2), American bald eagle, rough-tailed hawk, Northern harrier (3), great-horned owl (3), burrowing owl, snowy owl, sharp-tailed grouse (4), Eastern bluebird (2), mountain bluebirds (6), blue jay, black-headed grosbeak, red-headed woodpecker (2), great blue heron, scissor-tailed flycatcher, black-crowned night-heron (2), white-faced ibis, American bittern, American avocet, Northern shovelers, American crow, black-tailed prairie dogs, porcupine, pronghorns, total eclipse of the sun, diamond ring eclipse, red foxes (4), barn swallows, Western kingbirds, Western grebes (2), white-throated kingfisher, common kingfisher, green bee-eater, bar-headed geese, Bengal tigers (2), greater one-horned rhinoceros, African elephants (5), wood ducks, marbled godwit, squirrel cuckoo, black-striped capuchin, hyacinth macaw (2), sunbittern (2), ringed kingfisher (2), rufous-tailed jacamar, green kingfisher, giant river otters (2) and jaguars (4). Countries included in the book include: United States- Alaska, North Dakota, Texas, Montana and Wyoming; South America- Brazil; Asia- India and China. Photographs included in the book were taken from 2016 to 2019.
Photo of the Month- August 2020
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Mandan Agricultural Research Station, Morton County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 29, 2020
Photo of the Month- August 2020
Ruby-throated hummingbirds are amazing: wing beats 50 per second, heart beat 1260 beats per minute, breaths 250 per minute and they fly 20 hours straight as they cross the Gulf of Mexico during their migration.
Photo of the Month- July 2020
Mom is Feeding her Baby!
American Kestrels
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 3, 2020
Photo of the Month- July 2020
Photo of the Year- 2020
Hiding in plain sight! I had been looking for an American Kestrel nest for Four Years and it turned out that it was very close to a road that I had driven many times. I felt that there was one in the area that I had seen Kestrels but I had not been able to find it. In June 2020, after delaying arrival to Theodore Roosevelt National Park to photograph a red fox, I witnessed and photographed a male Kestrel feeding his mate. By watching the area for several hours, I saw this activity repeated and was able to follow mom to their nest!
Photo of the Month- June 2020
Food for our Babies!
American Kestrels
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 10, 2020
Photo of the Month for June 2020
"This is for You, My Love!"
This photo is one of my favorites, all time. I sat in my car, dumbfounded, as a I watched and photographed the male American Kestrel on the left fly to a tree and then give his mouse to his mate, on the right, who flew to the tree for this gift. I have witnessed parent animals feed their babies but I have never seen one adult bird give its food to another adult bird. Males American Kestrels do this during courting, nesting and when feeding babies. What a devoted couple!
Photo of the Month May 2020
I've Got This!
Red Fox Kit with Bull Snake
Burleigh County, North Dakota
May 10, 2020
Photo of the Month for May 2020
Photo of the Month April 2020
Coming Back to her Babies!
Great Horned Owls
Oliver County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 26, 2020
Photo of the Month for April 2020
Photo of the Month March 2020
Mountain Bluebird in Flight with Food!
Mountain bluebirds are my favorite badlands bird and to see and photograph one in flight with food was very fortunate. Please see more photos at Dakota Region- Mountain Bluebirds
Photo of the Day for March 28, 2020 and Month of March 2020
Photo of the Month January 2020
Little Cutie!
Actually not so little, this female calf is probably 1 1/2 years old when photographed in Yellowstone National Park. Moose calves grow quickly from their birth weight of around 35 pounds. They gain about 2 pounds a day and weigh 10 times their birth weight by 5 months of age. By 1 1/2 years, they can weigh 500 to 700 pounds.
Photo of the Month October 2019
Photo of the Day for October 19, 2019
Northern Harriers are the most owl-like of hawks (though they’re not related to owls). They rely on hearing as well as vision to capture prey. The disk-shaped face looks and functions much like an owl’s, with stiff facial feathers helping to direct sound to the ears.
Photo of the Month September 2019
Not an Easy Animal to Photograph!
The jaguar is often described as nocturnal, but is more specifically crepuscular (peak activity around dawn and dusk). Both sexes hunt, but males travel farther each day than females, befitting their larger territories. The jaguar may hunt during the day if game is available and is a relatively energetic feline, spending as much as 50–60 percent of its time active. The jaguar's elusive nature and the inaccessibility of much of its preferred habitat make it a difficult animal to sight, let alone study. It ranges across a variety of forested and open terrains, but its preferred habitat is tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forest, swamps and wooded regions. The jaguar enjoys swimming and is largely a solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predator at the top of the food chain. As a keystone species it plays an important role in stabilizing ecosystems and regulating prey populations.
Photo of the Day for September 10, 2019
Photo of the Month August 2019
Breakfast in Bed!
The Western Grebe Mom on the left had three babies. The bed for the babies was Mom's back, a floating bed that can move toward food. Every other time that I had seen Dad feeding the babies, fish was on the menu. In fact, only fish was on the menu. Sometimes it was a medium size fish but often it was a menu.
Apparently, dragonflies are also on the menu. Dad on the right had found a large dragonfly. After several attempts, one of the babies was able to grasp the dragonfly and have a wonderful breakfast.
For additional photographs, please see the Water birds page in the Dakota Region tab.
Photo of the Day for August 14, 2019
Photo of the Month April 2019
Back from the Brink!
After being pushed to the brink of extinction by unregulated hunting and loss of habitat to just 21 wild and two captive whooping cranes by 1941, conservation efforts have led to a limited recovery. The total number of cranes in the surviving migratory population, plus three reintroduced flocks and in captivity, now exceeds 800 birds.
For additional photographs, please see the Cranes page in the Bird tab.
Photo of the Day for April 19, 2019
Photo of the Year 2019
#1 Photo of 2019 "Bond of Love!"
Well, this is my favorite photo of 2019. A baby Asian Elephant- walking trunk to trunk with its older sibling as they grazed on grasses in Kaziranga National Park in India in March. We watched this family group for nearly 1 hour and I was surprised that the baby preferred to hang out with its siblings as opposed to being attached to its mom. The adults, however carefully watched their children and maintained a protective perimeter. This multi-generational family loves and cares for each other!!
Photo of the Year 2018
That's My Mom!
This grizzly bear cub looked back as me as to say "no worries, I am with my mom." The photograph was taken in September 2018 in Denali National Park.
This was my favorite photograph from 2018!
Photo of the Year 2017
“Is it My Turn?”
A Red Fox Mom can nurse up to 8 babies at one time. These two were asking her if they could join their siblings for breakfast. She said “Yes!”
Photo of the Year 2016
Clash of Yellow and Purple!
I was sitting in a blind at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge watching sharp-tailed grouse dance at a lek when a feisty western meadowlark decided the crash the party. Although much smaller than the sharp-tailed grouse, the western meadowlark had no trouble saying “stay out of my territory!”
Photo of the Year 2015
Fighting Incas!
These collared inca hummingbirds were photographed fighting over access to a feeder in Ecuador. The hummingbirds are shown in different body planes with open beaks.
Photo of the Year 2014
Best Friends!
These Southern elephant seal calves were photographed in South Georgia. They were 3 weeks old and weighed nearly 150 pounds. Their moms had returned to the sea briefly to replenish their energy stores. The babies were very curious and friendly and affectionate to each other.
Photo of the Year 2013
As were were leaving Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, we were very lucky to find these Guanocos standing in front of the famous three towers, Los Torres. The Guanocos stood there for a few minutes and then moved on. Timing is everything!
October 25, 2013
Photo of the Year 2012
Hope for the Future!
Sumatran Rhino Calf
Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, Sumatra, Indonesia
July 26, 2012
In 2012, Andatu made history, by becoming the first Sumatran rhino ever born in captivity in Indonesia, in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary. Sumatran rhinos are a critically endangered species; fewer than 100 individuals are thought to exist worldwide, with just a few remaining in captivity.
Andatu’s birth provided an important milestone for Sumatran rhino captive breeding efforts. It was hoped that the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary will continue its breeding success, while also developing our understanding of the species. Along with intensive conservation efforts on the ground to protect wild Sumatran rhinos, The Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary is critical for the recovery of this incredible species.
Andatu made history again by becoming the second Sumatran rhino in the breeding program to sire a calf (he was the father of Rosa’s calf born on March 24, 2022).
Andatu was named after his parents- Andalas and Ratu.
Photo of the Year 2011
Afternoon Nap!
Polar Bear
Seal River, Manitoba, Canada
November 8, 2011
Photo of the Year 2010
Milkshake (Bear 236) with her Four Cubs
Katmai National Park, Alaska
July 22, 2010
236 Milkshake Adult Female
Year First Identified: Adult in 1997
Year Last Identified: 2011
Number of Known Litters: 5
#236 was a large adult female with a relatively large shoulder hump and a round, filled in body. Her coat was medium-brown in July and in the fall. She had the classic grizzly/brown bear dishshaped face, a rectangular muzzle, and lighter, wide-set ears.
Life History
When last seen in 2011, #236 was one of the older adult females to frequent the Brooks River. She fished the lower river and the lip of the falls. She was first identified in 1997 caring for two spring cubs. She had at least four more litters. Records from the past 20 years indicated that she was one of the most fertile and
successful female bears to use the Brooks River. DNA analysis has confirmed that she is the mother of #604 and #608.
In 2003, #236 was seen with four spring cubs, which is unusual for any sow. Remarkably, she returned in 2010 with four spring cubs, her fifth known litter, but by the end of August 2011, she has lost the entire 2010 litter. The specific causes of her cubs’ deaths remains unknown.
Older females who are raising a litter of cubs may have higher mortality rates than younger, single females. As one of the older sows with cubs in the Brooks River area, a lean salmon run in 2011 may have taxed #236 beyond her physical limits and left her unable to support and defend cubs.
Photo of the Year 2009
Tallest Mountain in North American between Aspen Trees!
Denali National Park, Alaska
September 6, 2009
Photo of the Year 2008
Dust to Dust!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
July 17, 2008
I had just begun to explore Theodore Roosevelt National Park in 2008 when I walked around a small butte and came across this American Bison scattered skeleton, picked clean of flesh and muscle. The bones remained in a partial fashion for years after.
Photo of the Year 2007
Glacier above the Clouds in Africa!
Uhuru Peak
Mount Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
November 8, 2007
This was not an easy photograph to take. Five days were spent climbing up Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,340 feet)
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Count the Baby Foxes!
Found in Dakota Region- Red Fox Page
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Website established on October 6, 2015
Test Your Knowledge
Enjoy these Photographs of Birds, Mammals and Landscapes in the Northern Plains and
Our Magnificent World
Do you know?
Northern Lights in strong geomagnetic storms have more colors (8) than rainbows (7-red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and violet).
Green: The most common color, caused by oxygen at lower altitudes; Red: Caused by oxygen at higher altitudes, and is associated with intense solar activity; Blue: Caused by nitrogen particles, and is the rarest color; Pink: Caused by nitrogen molecules in the upper bands of the aurora, usually at least 150 miles above the ground; Purple: Caused by a mix of nitrogen and oxygen; Yellow: Caused by a mix of nitrogen and oxygen; Orange: Can sometimes be seen, but is very rare and White: Can sometimes be seen
"May’s northern lights were the space spectacle of a lifetime, scientists say.
Space scientists are saying the solar storm was the most impressive in decades and, by some measures, even centuries."
Washington Post May 25, 2024
"During the first full week of May, a barrage of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched clouds of charged particles and magnetic fields toward Earth, creating the strongest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades — and possibly one of the strongest displays of auroras on record in the past 500 years."
NASA May 16, 2024
Do you know?
Female polar bears in the Hudson Bay area spend remarkable periods of time fasting, the longest known of any mammal species. This fasting period before denning and in dens averages about 180 to 186 days. In Hudson Bay, pregnant females can successfully fast for as long as 240 days.
Mom and Babe in Front of Home (Snow Den)!
Polar Bears
Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada
Photo of the Day- March 2, 2022
Photo of the Month- March 2022
Photo of the Year- 2022
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
Polar bears can smell seals from 20 miles away and can smell seal dens 3 feet or 1 meter beneath ice. Polar bear diets are changing with global warming and shifting from reliance on seals to adding other sources of food to their diets.
Polar Bear attack on a Seal Den!
Polar Bear
Frozen Arctic Ocean, near Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
Photo of the Day- April 9, 2022
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
The Brown Bear Mom is One on the Most Dedicated Mammal Moms and will Nurse Her Cubs for 2 to 3 Years
Shown with One of Her Four Cubs
Photographed in Katmai National Park, Alaska
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
Four Brown Bear Cubs in a Litter is Uncommon
Photographed in Katmai National Park, Alaska
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Polar Bear is the Largest Bear and Very Threatened by Climate Change
Photograhed near Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
The Giant Panda eats Bamboo- a Plant that Few Other Animals Eat!
For more information- please see Giant Panda page
Photograhed in Chengdu, China
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
There are more Tigers in Captivity than in the Wild but This is Not One of Them!
This 10-month-old Bengal Tiger was photographed in Bandhavgarh National Park in India in March 2019. More tiger photographs and information found in India page under Asia section
Conservation Status- Endangered
Do you know?
There were fewer than 200 Indian Rhinos (also called Greater One-horned Rhinoceros) 100 years ago but now there are more than 3000.
The Government of India and many conservation organizations such as the International Rino Foundation have led the Rhino recovery.
This Greater One-horned Rhino Mom and her Calf were photographed in Kariranga Nationa Park in India in March 2019
More Rhino photographs and information found in India page under Asia section
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
Asian Elephants form Lifelong Friendships and can Live for Decades in the Same Family Group!
One expression of love is for an Asian Elephant to hold another's tail with their trunk as this young elephant is doing to a baby sibling or cousin.
These Asian Elephants siblings or cousins were photographed in Kariranga Nationa Park in India in March 2019
More Asian Elephant photographs and information found in India page under Asia section
Conservation Status- Endangered
Do you know?
The Three-toed Sloth is the Slowest Mammal in the World!
They travel 0.003 miles per hour- only 100 feet during the day!!
Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth Photographed in Costa Rica
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Cheetah is the Fastest Land Animal with speed up to 70 mph!
Photographed at White Oak Conservation Center Yulee, Florida
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
The cheetah feeds on small- to medium-sized prey, mostly weighing under 40 kg (88 lb), and prefers medium-sized ungulates such as impala, springbok and Thomson's gazelles. The cheetah typically stalks its prey to within 60–70 m (200–230 ft), charges towards it. After a gestation of nearly three months, a litter of typically three or four cubs is born. Cheetah cubs are highly vulnerable to predation by other large carnivores such as hyenas and lions. They are weaned at around four months and are independent by around 20 months of age.
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Do you know?
The Thomson's Gazelle is the fourth fastest land animal after the Cheetah, Pronghorn and Springbok. Thomson's Gazelles are sometimes called Tommies and can run as fast as 50 mph.
In the wild, Thomson's gazelles can live 10–15 years. Their major predators are cheetahs, which are able to attain higher speeds, but gazelles can outlast them in long chases and are able to make turns more quickly.
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
Sharp-tailed Grouse will Gather in the Spring at Leks to Dance and Select Mates
Photograhed at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Burleigh County North Dakota
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Western Meadowlark is the state bird of six states: Montana, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, and Wyoming.
Western Meadowlark and Sharp-tailed Grouse
Photographed at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge North Dakota
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Solar Eclipse Totality
Was Watched in Person or Electronically by 215 Million People in United States
Corona photographed in Southeast Wyoming
August 21, 2017
Do you know?
Total solar eclipses are rare events. Although they occur somewhere on Earth every 18 months on average, it is estimated that they recur at any given place only once every 360 to 410 years, on average.
Diamond Ring and Solar Prominence photgraphed in Southeast Wyoming
August 21, 2017
Do you know?
There were only 15 Whooping Cranes Alive in the 1940s!
Photographed in Burleigh County, North Dakota April 19, 2019
Conservation Status- Endangered
Do you know?
The Red-tailed Hawk can be Seen from Alaska to Panama
Photographed in Morton County, North Dakota April 19, 2019
Conservation Status- Least Concerned
Do you know?
Mule Deer Fawns will Stay with Their Mom for One Year
This Mule Deer Mom and Her Two Fawns were photographed in
Theodore Roosevelt National Park North Dakota
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Photo of the Day- September 20, 2016
Photo of the Month- September 2016
Do you know?
Guanocos have Four Times as Many Red Blood Cells as Humans which Allows Them to Graze at 13,000 feet (4000 meters)!
These Guanocos were photographed before The Three Towers in
Torres del Paine National Park, Chile
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The King Penguin is the 2nd Largest Penguin (after Emporer Penguins)!
These King Penguins Mom and Baby were photographed at
South Georgia
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Gentoo Penguin is the Fastest Swimming in Water Penguin and can Reach Speed of 22 mph (386 km/h)
This Gentoo Penguin was photographed at
Falkland Islands
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
Roseate Spoonbills gets Their Pink Color from the Crustaceans that They Eat (containing pigments called carotenoids)
These Roseate Spoonbills were photographed in
St. Augustine, Florida
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know?
The Badger can Dig Faster than any Animal in the World!
This American Badger was photographed in
Theodore Roosevelt National Park North Dakota
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do You Know?
Birds can Talk to Their Babies before They are Born!
There is emerging evidence that baby chicks can hear their parents while still in the egg! Canada Geese are fierce protectors of their nest and babies. This photograph was taken at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge from my car. Mom may have been saying "Don't worry babies, I won't let him come close." I stayed away and used a telephoto lens to capture the conversation.
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do You Know?
Female Mountain Bluebirds are the nest builders.
Males sometimes enact a kind of symbolic nest-building—miming the act of bringing nesting material to the cavity, but actually carrying nothing, or else dropping their burdens en route. The female builds the insulated nest by herself, usually working hardest in the early morning. She entirely fills the cavity floor with coarse, dry grass stems and other vegetation, hollowing out a cup just large enough to allow her to cover her eggs snugly, with a maximum interior diameter of about 2 inches. The cup is usually greater than 2 inches deep, and placed as far as possible from the entrance hole. Cavity size determines the nest’s exact external dimensions. The female lines the cup with finer plant material, such as fine grass stems and narrow strips of soft bark, and also in some cases with wool or feathers. The whole process can take several days to more than a week. Mountain Bluebirds often reuse nest cavities within and between breeding seasons, and accumulating nesting material can pile up to the level of the entrance hole.
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do You Know?
Dad Mountain Bluebird stand Guard as Mom builds the nest
Athough female Mountain Bluebirds are the nest builders, her mate stands guard and make sure the coast is clear as she flies to the nest. He often signs to her and calls her to the nest. Both males and females will fiercely defend the nest. The female will stay on the eggs for 14 days. Once born, the babies will stay in the nest for 18-21 days.
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do You Know?
Sandhill Crane Chicks are Born Ready to Go (Precocial)
The chicks are precocial; they hatch covered in down, with their eyes open, and able to leave the nest within a day. The parents brood the chicks for up to three weeks after hatching, feeding them intensively for the first few weeks, then gradually less frequently until they reach independence at 9 to 10 months old. The chicks remain with their parents until one to two months before the parents lay the next clutch of eggs the following year, remaining with them 10–12 months. After leaving their parents, the chicks form nomadic flocks with other juveniles and nonbreeders. They remain in these flocks until they form breeding pairs at between two and seven years old.
Note: Although able to walk on the first day, the baby on the right had trouble navigating deep bison mud holes and tripped.
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Do you know that Jaguars are the Third Largest Cat?
How Big are the Big Cats?
Jaguar conservation status- Near Threatened 15,000 in the wild
Why is the Giant River Otter called the "River Wolf" (Lobo del Rio in Spanish)
Giant River Otter conservation status- Endangered 5,000 in the wild
Do you know?
Red auroras are comparatively less frequent and are usually associated with intense solar activity. They occur when solar particles react with oxygen at higher altitudes, generally around 180 to 250 mile. At this height, oxygen is less concentrated and is excited at a higher frequency or wavelength, making reds visible.
Red Oval!
Intense Northern Lights and Oxygen Molecules at High Altitudes
Northern Lights
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- December 1, 2023
Photos of the Month
Brown Bear #402 Mom and Cubs
Katmai National Park
Photo of the Day- July 25, 2015
Photo of the Month- July 2015
402, a well known adult female, returned to Brooks River yesterday with a litter of not one, not two, not three, but FOUR spring cubs. Litter size for female brown bears in the Katmai region averages 2-3, so a litter of four cubs is large. It isn’t unprecedented, however. Over the past ten years, we know of four bears, including 402, at Brooks River have had litters of four spring cubs.
Best Friends!
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 20, 2016
Photo of the Month- September 2016
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