Mountain Bluebirds

Mountain Bluebirds- Badland's Beauties

There are at least 7 Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds!

When traveling through Western North Dakota a flash of blue can occasionally be seen as a mountain bluebird flies by.  They are early to arrive in the spring and late to leave in the fall.  They can hover in mid air to find insects on the ground or catch them in mid flight.

They are wonderful parents!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain bluebirds are the state birds of Idaho and Nevada. They can live 6 to 10 years in the wild.  They are omnivores and eat spiders, grasshoppers, flies and other insects, and small fruits. The mountain bluebird is a relative of the eastern and western bluebirds.

Seven Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds

Reason #1  

They are blue- Blue is a color not often seen in nature where greens and brown predominate, the exception being the brilliant blue sky.  Blue animals in the rural west are not common- blue jays, great blue herons, lazuli and indigo buntings and the mountain bluebird.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Reason #2  

They are not just blue but several shades of blue including turquoise

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2017

Reason #3  

You can see them! They perch on dead trees, junipers and buttes

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 3, 2017

Reason #4  

They hover and can fly in place when searching for food and resemble the American kestrel with this ability

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 27, 2019

Reason #5

They nest in cavities that can be seen and are not hidden by leaves.  This allows the patient observer to see how hard they work to feed their babies!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Reason #6  

You can see the difference between the Mommy and Daddy mountain bluebirds.  Moms have grey heads and chests and grey blue wings.  Dads have dark or turquoise blue heads and wings with a lighter blue chest.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 25, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 September 25, 2016

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Reason #7  

They are monogamous.  Moms and Dads work hard to feed their babies.  Dads first come in the Spring and pick out a nest but the Mom will improve the nest.  Dads will feed the Moms when she is sitting on their eggs.  After 14 days of incubation, 4 to 8 babies will be born.  After 21 days of feeding, the babies are able to leave the nest (fledged).  The babies will spend several weeks or longer with their parents before becoming independent. Both Moms  and Dads fiercely protect the nest.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 1, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 20, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 20, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 7, 2018

Please enjoy these photos of these wonderful birds.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 4, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 September 17, 2017

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 15, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 19, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 20, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 2, 2018

2019 Photos

On the way to Yellowstone National Park, I stopped in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota on May 26, 2019 and found this female Mountain Bluebird busy building a nest.  The Mountain Bluebird is my favorite bird in the badlands and I was hopeful to see them feed their babies in June!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Female Mountain Bluebirds are the nest builders.  

Males sometimes enact a kind of symbolic nest-building—miming the act of bringing nesting material to the cavity, but actually carrying nothing, or else dropping their burdens en route. The female builds the insulated nest by herself, usually working hardest in the early morning. She entirely fills the cavity floor with coarse, dry grass stems and other vegetation, hollowing out a cup just large enough to allow her to cover her eggs snugly, with a maximum interior diameter of about 2 inches. The cup is usually greater than 2 inches deep, and placed as far as possible from the entrance hole. Cavity size determines the nest’s exact external dimensions. The female lines the cup with finer plant material, such as fine grass stems and narrow strips of soft bark, and also in some cases with wool or feathers. The whole process can take several days to more than a week. Mountain Bluebirds often reuse nest cavities within and between breeding seasons, and accumulating nesting material can pile up to the level of the entrance hole.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Dad Mountain Bluebird stand Guard as Mom builds the nest

Athough female Mountain Bluebirds are the nest builders, her mate stands guard and make sure the coast is clear as she flies to the nest.  He often signs to her and calls her to the nest.  Both males and females will fiercely defend the nest.  The female will stay on the eggs for 14 days.  Once born, the babies will stay in the nest for 18-21 days.

This Dad Mountain Bluebird is trying to Help Build the Nest!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Mom makes Many Trips to Build the Nest! 

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Mom can Scratch an Itch and Carry Home Building Materials all the Time Standing on One Foot!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Once Mom brings Nesting Materials to their Home, She begins to Build the Actual Nest!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

While photographing Mountain Bluebird nest building, a herd of horses galloped into the canyon and this youngster decided to check out my camera!

Young Feral Horse

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 26, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 4, 2019

Sitting on Eggs!

This female Mountain Bluebird was photographed in Theodore Roosevelt National Park as I returned from Yellowstone National Park.  The previous week, I had watched her and her mate build the nest.  The nest building was followed by egg laying and more work is to come.  She will lay on the eggs for 14 days.  The babies will fledge in 19 to 21 days and the parents will continue to feed them for 2 to 6 weeks.

LS Johnson, E Ostlind, JL Brukaker, SL Balenger, BGP Johnson and H Golden: Changes in Egg Size and Clutch Size with Elevation in a Wyoming Population of Mountain Bluebirds.  The Condor 108:591-600 2006


Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Five Babies to Feed!

This Mountain Bluebird Dad was photographed in Theodore Roosevelt National Park with five babies, one of whom shows its triangular-shaped tongue.  Mom and especially Dad were busy feeding the babies.  Mom was more cautious and would survey the surroundings before flying to the nest.  Dad, however, quickly brought insects to the nest.  These are my first photographs of Mountain Bluebird babies.

Mountain Bluebird Babies

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

I am Very Hungry!

This Mountain Bluebird baby was photographed in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  The babies weigh only 4 grams at birth.  By 7 days of age they have grown to 12 grams and by 14 days of age they average 27 grams. 

HW Power III Biology of the Mountain Bluebird in Montana

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Singing to His Babies!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Selected by Theodore Roosevelt Nature History Association to be included in their 2020 Theodore Roosevelt National Park Calendar

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Lots of Work Feeding Babies!

Both parents feed babies.  In 2018, the Mom was more active than Dad in feeding the babies, which I could not seen see in the nest.  In 2019, in a different nest, the Dad was more active in feeding the babies. 

Feedings per hour by parents increase as the babies get older from 4 times per hour at 1 day of age to 8 to 12 feedings per hour at 3 to 5 days of age to 23 feedings per hour at 7 to 13 days of age.

HW Power III Biology of the Mountain Bluebird in Montana

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 23, 2019

Food for His Babies!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Landing with Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Food Delivery!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Mom noticing poop sac!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Mom grabbing poop sac!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Changing Diapers!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 22, 2019

Not All Stories Have a Happy Ending!

Why is This Mountain Bluebird Hovering?

The Answer is Probably Sad!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Where Are My Babies?

Mountain Bluebirds are my favorite North Dakota bird.  I like them because they are beautiful, they are good parents and they have the ability to hover.  In 2018, I was able to locate 3 nesting pairs in the North Dakota badlands.  Two of the sites were hard to get to but one was accessible and I was able to watch from a distance and not disturb these wonderful birds.  The nests were 160 miles from where I live, so getting there was not easy.  In 2018, all three nests were such that I could not see the babies, only the parents taking in bugs and leaving with poop sacs.

In 2019, I was able to locate only one Mountain Bluebird nest.  There were several reasons for this but the main one was lack of available time to get to the North Dakota Badlands.  On the way out to Yellowstone National Park in late May, I was able to find one Mountain Bluebird nest with the pair building the nest.  One week later, on the way back to Bismarck, in early June, I was able to briefly see the Mom sitting in the nest, presumably on eggs.

It was over 2 1/2 weeks later when I was able to return to the Badlands and find the parents feeding 5 babies.  This was the first time I had seen Mountain Bluebird babies and it was very exciting.  The nest had a horizontal floor and I was able to set up my camera 20 yards away and the parents had no concerns.  I spent hours over two days watching the parents bring insects to their babies and removing poop sacs.

One week later, the end of June, I again returned to the Badlands expecting to see the parents feeding the babies.  However, the nest was emptying and the parents were acting agitated.  There was one baby on the ground and the parents were feeding that baby.

Harry Power studied 27 pairs of Mountain Bluebirds in Montana in the early 1960s and 21 nesting boxes.  The average incubation period was 13 days and the babies fledged between 22 and 23 days after hatching.

It is possible, although not likely, that the 4 other babies had fledged.  If eggs were laid the end of May, shortly after I saw the Mom building the nest, the babies should have hatched by June 9 or 10.  I was still expecting to see babies in the nest on June 30.  

It is also possible that a predator (crow, snake, mammal, raptor) got the 4 babies.  I did not see any feathers on the ground.

Both parents made hovering flights over the nest repeatedly as if they were looking to see if their babies were still in the nest.  I left the scene because I could see that the parents were distraught.  I did not want them to stop feeding the baby on the ground and I did not return over the next month.

HW Power III Biology of the Mountain Bluebird in Montana  


Mountain Bluebirds are my favorite birds of the North Dakota Badlands and the subject of my first children's book on birds "Seven Reasons to Love Mountain Bluebirds."  One of the seven reasons is the ability to hover.  You can see the Mountain Bluebird Dad flare his tail feathers and beat his wings forward which allow him to hover.

There are several birds in the Northern Plains with the ability to hover- American Kestrels are champion hoverers and Rough-legged hawks can be seen hovering in the winter as they come down from Canada.  The American Kestrel's ability to hover has been analyzed more than the Mountain Bluebird's "Their bodies are shaped such that with outstretched wings, kestrels automatically glide forward. This forward movement is cancelled out by rapid wing beats. The downstroke is oriented slightly forwards, like it’s banking before a landing, which pushes the kestrel back in order to negate the forward movement. Hovering without any wind is a lot harder to control, however, and requires a bit of a balancing act. When the kestrel loses its balance, it will often slip forward before regaining control and hovering again. Kestrels will often slip about three times before either moving on or circling around to try again, depending on the possibility of finding prey."

The One Baby on the Ground!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 30, 2019

2020 Photos

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 20, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Nest Thief!

The male mountain bluebird below entered last year's nest while a female mountain bluebird look on from above.  The male mountain bluebird picked up a piece of nesting material and the female bluebird look exception!  Females spend a lot of time building their nest and this one did not appreciate another mountain bluebird stealing from her nest!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 28, 2020

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 May 12, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 10, 2020

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 10, 2020

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 10, 2020

Mom and Dad have Food for their Babies!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 10, 2020

Mom Bringing Food for her Babies!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 11, 2020

Two Insects at a Time!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 11, 2020

Two Insects at a Time!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 11, 2020

Fledge Baby Girl!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 28, 2020 

Road Closure prevented visits between June 11, 2020 and June 28, 2020


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 June 28, 2020

Blue and Yellow!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 11, 2020

Beautiful Girl!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 11, 2020

Beautiful Girl Takeoff!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 11, 2020

Beautiful Girl Flying!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 11, 2020

2021 Photos

My buddies are back!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 March 6, 2021

Sky Blue!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 18, 2021

Blue Green!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Mom and Dad!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Mom and Dad!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Passing By!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Mom on the Move!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Keeping Balance!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Looking for Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Tiny Perch!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 19, 2021

Sky Blue!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 28, 2021

Sky Blue!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 28, 2021

Blue Amidst the White!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 29, 2021

Preety Girl!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

Handsome Boy!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

Soft Blues!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 14, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 14, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 14, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2021

Mom coming In!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021


Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021


Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Mom wants top Perch!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Dad is Leaving!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Dad is Circling Around!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Dad is Cutting Across!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Mom has her Perch!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 2, 2021

Nest found for 4th Year in a Row!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021


At the Nest !

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021

Got an Itch!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021

Still got an Itch!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021

Mon had Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021

Food on the Fly!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 3, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 4, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 4, 2021

Sky Blue!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 4, 2021

Calling for his Mate!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021

Mom and Babe!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021

Mom is flying off for More Food!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021

Dad- I'm Hungry!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 24, 2021


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 24, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 25, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 27, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 27, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 27, 2021

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 28, 2021

Mountain Bluebird  

 Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 17, 2022

Mountain Bluebirds  

 Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 17, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Blue upon Blue!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day July 9, 2022

Photo of the Month July 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 9, 2022

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 20, 2023

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 25, 2023

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 17, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

March 17, 2024

Blue Blaze in Flight!

A Badlands Gem!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- April 4, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 4, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 9, 2024

Perhaps Lunch!

Got his Attention!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- April 21, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 April 21, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 23, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 3, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 3, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 3, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 3, 2024

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Hovering

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 19, 2024

Flying Shadow!

Early Morning Light!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- June 9, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 9, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 9, 2024

A Very Special Day

Father's Day

June 16, 2024

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

The vehicle traffic was very heavy on Sunday making photography from the road very difficult.  The are very few places to turn off the road in the park.  The wind was very strong from the west, sustained 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph.  I saw a male mountain bluebird hunting for insects near a small butte where I had found a bison skeleton in 2007.  I parked my car at a turnoff and walked around the butte and a half dozen birds flew away.  They were backlit so I couldn't tell what they were.

The male mountain bluebird moved a little further to the east so I drove to another turnoff and walked out with my binoculars.  I could see both a male and female hovering looking for insects.  I went back to my car and first got the 200-500 mm lens and took several photos.  The wind made it very difficult to hold the lens steady so I returned to the car to get my tripod and 600 mm lens.  After walking 100 yards, I was able to get some nice photos of the female taking off from a tree.  She the headed back east to the original butte.


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Singing to his Mate!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Female coming in to join her Mate!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Flying East to the Original Butte!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

I walked back to my vehicle and drove back to the butte.  This time I walked to east of the butte so the sun would be behind me.  The male and female landing on the butte before flying out to catch insects. As I slowing approached the butte from 40 yards away, I could see several small birds and they were fledged mountain bluebirds!

Perch on the butte allow sighting for insects!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Off to find food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

As Blue as the Sky!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Singing that he is off to get Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

First Flight Photo of a Fledgling!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Baby is looking for Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mom is looking for Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mom found Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Dad found Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Dad is taking off!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Flying with Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Perched with Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Moving forward with Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

On the ground with Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Baby is looking for Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Babyn the Move!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mom on the lookout!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Still looking!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Babies looking for Mom and Dad!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Two Mouths to Feed!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

No, Three Mouths to Feed!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

No, Four Mouths to Feed!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mom has Food!

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Is it my Turn?

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

No, It is your sister's Turn!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Food Delivery!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Getting Close!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Here it Is!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Down the Hatch!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024


Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Thanks Mom!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mom and Happy Babe!

Mountain Bluebirds

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

I spent 4 hours and 47 minutes watching and photographing the wonderful Mountain Bluebird parents as they fed their babies while the wind howled and cars drove by.  The strong winds made the photography difficult but encouraged the fledglings to stay on the butte.  The 600 mm lens and tripod allowed photography from a distance and did not disturb these wonderful birds.

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 16, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 19, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledgling

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledgling

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledgling

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledgling

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledglings

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird Fledglings

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 30, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 6, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 28, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 28, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

August 11, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

August 11, 2024

Mountain Bluebird

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

August 11, 2024