Dakota Reflections
The North Dakota Badlands are found in the western portion of the state. The Badlands were laid down 65 million years ago during the Paleocene Epoch. Petrified sequoia stumps can be found in the Badlands a result of the ancient swamp which was later covered with volcanic ash. Bison, elk, coyote, prairie dogs and beautiful birds are now found in the Badlands.
"The Bad Lands grade all the way from those that are almost rolling in character to those that are so fantastically broken in form and so bizarre in color as to seem hardly properly to belong to this earth." "I grow very fond of this place, and it certainly has a desolate, grim beauty of its own, that has a curious fascination for me." Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America 1901-1909, rancher in North Dakota Badlands 1883-1887
The North Dakota Badlands
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 19, 2015
Bison Mom Nursing her Babe as Harvest Moon set before Sunrise!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 10, 2022
Photo of the Month- September 2022
An Oddball Photo by an Oddball Photographer September 10, 2022
What are the odds of seeing an American Bison mom nursing her babe as the moon set before sunrise in Theodore Roosevelt National Park? Once in this old photographer's lifetime! It was 32 degrees with frost on the windshield but the sight of a mom taking care of her baby in the frosty morning warmed the heart!
Dust to Dust!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
July 17, 2008
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 19, 2015
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
April 4, 2015
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Western Meadowlark
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 1, 2015
Mountain Bluebird
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 19, 2015
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 20, 2016
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 20, 2016
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 20, 2016
Mule Deer
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 20, 2016
Theodore Roosevelt National Park contains 70,000 acres in three units: the South Unit has 46,158 acres of which 10,510 are designated wilderness; the North Unit has 24,070 acres of which 19,410 are designated wilderness and the Elkhorn Ranch has 218 acres. The Elkhorn Ranch was the site of Theodore Roosevelt's second ranch in the badlands. The park has excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.
American Badger
American Badger
American Badger
Coyote at Sunrise
American Badger
American Badger
American Badger
Most of the North Dakota badlands were created from erosion by the Little Missouri River. The exposed sediments were deposited during the Paleocene age. These sediments of sandstone, claystone and lignite coal were deposited by rivers flowing east to the Dakotas from the Rocky Mountains in Montana and Wyoming. Some layers are from volcanic ash.
Little Missouri River
American Bison
American Bison
Autumn Colors
Mountain Bluebird
Sunset North Dakota Badlands
American Bison
Bison Rubbing on Butte
American Bison
Mountain Bluebird
The mountain bird's summer range extends from western North Dakota to Canada and Alaska. During the winter, the travel to southern central states and Central America. They hover while looking for insects.
Black-billed Magpie
Fox Squirrel
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Feral Horse
Feral Horse
Loggerhead Shrike
Least Chipmunk
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Feral Horse
Mule Deer
2020 Photos
Feral Horses
Horses and ponies currently reside in about 20 NPS units; 10 units contain feral donkeys and burros. These herds include, among others, the famous Assateague Island ponies residing off the coast of Maryland and Virginia, the Shackleford ponies of Cape Lookout National Seashore in North Carolina, and the Theodore Roosevelt National Park feral horses in North Dakota.
Spring Baby!
The most popular animal in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota is undoubtedly the feral (wild) horse. Horse lovers come from all over the United States to see the substantial population of 70 to 110 wild horses in the park. Feral horses are not a target species for me to photograph but I can't help but finding the spring babies and their devoted mothers absolutely irresistible!
During the summer months, bands of horses may be seen grazing throughout the park. They are often seen along the park boundary from Interstate 94. Horses can also be seen at a distance from high points such as the Painted Canyon Overlook and Buck Hill. While hiking or driving, look for fresh manure to locate horses –stallions mark their territory with "stud piles." These are common along the scenic drive through the park. Feral horses typically range in small bands of 5-15 animals. Each group has an established social hierarchy, consisting of a dominant stallion, his mares, and their offspring. Frequently a subdominant stallion will "run second" to the leader. Stallions herd their mares by extending their heads and necks low to the ground in a gesture known as "snaking." When a band is in flight, a dominant mare will take the lead with the stallion bringing up the rear. Young stallions roam together in bachelor groups, sometimes in proximity to a stallion harem. Once formed, these social groups remain remarkably stable and often range within an established territory. Foals are born in the spring after an 11 month gestation period. Upon reaching sexual maturity at age 2-3, young colts and fillies are driven from their natal group and form new bands. Occasionally a bachelor stallion attempts to steal mares from an established group, resulting in fights between rival males.
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
March 28, 2020
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Coming back to Mom!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Playing Again!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Walking with Mom!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Walking more with Mom!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Getting Excited about Nursing!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Resting- This had been a busy Day!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 11, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 14, 2020
The muskrat is a medium-sized semiaquatic rodent native to North America and an introduced species in parts of Europe, Asia, and South America. The muskrat is found in wetlands over a wide range of climates and habitats. It has important effects on the ecology of wetlands. Muskrats are referred to as "rats" in a general sense because they are medium-sized rodents with an adaptable lifestyle and an omnivorous diet. They are not, however, members of the genus Rattus. The name muskrat is because of the association with the "musky" odor, which the muskrat uses to mark its territory, and its flattened tail due to its resemblance to rats. An adult muskrat is about 40–70 cm (16–28 in) long, half of that is the tail, and weighs from 0.6–2 kg (1.3–4.4 lb). Muskrats are much smaller than beavers (Castor canadensis), with which they often share their habitat. Muskrats are covered with short, thick fur, which is medium to dark brown or black in color, with the belly a bit lighter; as the age increases, it turns a partly gray in color. The fur has two layers, which help protect them from the cold water. They have long tails covered with scales rather than hair. To aid them in swimming, their tails are slightly flattened vertically, a shape that is unique to them. When they walk on land, their tails drag on the ground, which makes their tracks easy to recognize. Muskrats spend most of their time in the water and are well suited for their semiaquatic life. They can swim under water for 12 to 17 minutes. Their bodies, like those of seals and whales, are less sensitive to the buildup of carbon dioxide than those of most other mammals. They can close off their ears to keep the water out. Their hind feet are semi-webbed, although in swimming, their tails are their main means of propulsion. They help maintain open areas in marshes, which helps to provide habitat for aquatic birds. They feed on cattail and other aquatic vegetation. Plant materials compose about 95% of their diets, but they also eat small animals, such as freshwater mussels, frogs, crayfish, fish, and small turtles. Muskrat families build nests to protect themselves and their young from cold and predators.
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 3, 2020
Morning Reflection!
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 27, 2020
My What Big Teeth You Have!
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 27, 2020
Nap Time!
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 27, 2020
Foot Reflection!
McKenzie Slough, Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 27, 2020
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota
May 17, 2020
Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 19, 2020
Burleigh County, North Dakota
April 19, 2020
American Bison
Red Dogs or Bison Babies
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 12, 2020
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 11, 2020
American Bison Reflection
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 11, 2020
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 12, 2020
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 12, 2020
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 25, 2020
Least Chipmunks
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 28, 2020
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 28, 2020
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 28, 2020
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- June 28, 2020
Golden Northern Bumble Bee
Mandan Agricultural Research Station, Morton County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 22, 2020
2021 Photos
Morning Drink!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
March 6, 2021
Bond of Love!
Red Dog Baby Bison and Mom
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 5, 2021
Red Dog Baby Bison and Mom
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 15, 2021
Harper and Maine (Mom)!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 19, 2021
Harper and Maine (Mom)!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 19, 2021
Harper and Maine (Mom)!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 20, 2021
Harper and Maine (Mom)!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 20, 2021
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Mud Bath!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
More Mud!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Mud Coat!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Mom and Babe!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Some are Not Interested in Mud Bath!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 2, 2021
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 16, 2021
Watching over sleeping Baby!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
Dust Bath!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
Dust Bath!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
State Flower!
Prairie Rose
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
Prairie Rose
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
Prairie Rose
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 4, 2021
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
Coming out of the Mountain Bluebird Nest
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
In Mid-air!
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
Storm Clouds
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 19, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 25, 2021
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 28, 2021
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 28, 2021
Least Chipmunk
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 28, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 28, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 28, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 30, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 30, 2021
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 30, 2021
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 21, 2022
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 25, 2022
Feral Horses and Little Missouri River
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 26, 2022
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 29, 2022
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 29, 2022
Morning Dew!
Desert Cottontail
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
May 30, 2022
Richardson's Ground Squirrel
Burleigh County, North Dakota
June 2, 2022
Butting Heads!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day June 4, 2022
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
July 9, 2022
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
July 9, 2022
Burleigh County, North Dakota
August 28, 2022
Burleigh County, North Dakota
August 28, 2022
Morning Gathering before Setting Harvest Moon!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 10, 2022
Autumn Colors
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 16, 2022
Taking in the Scenery!
Feral Horse
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 18, 2022
Fleeting Autumn!
Autumn Colors
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 28, 2022
Afternoon Stroll!
Two Week old Baby Horse!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 23, 2023
First Day of Life!
Baby Boy "Monet" and Mom "Indian Paint Brush"!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 24, 2023
Second Day of Life!
Baby Boy "Monet" and Mom "Indian Paint Brush"!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 25, 2023
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 25, 2023
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 25, 2023
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 25, 2023
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
September 25, 2023
Can I have Some?
Asking to Share Breakfast!
Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 27, 2023
Foals bearing Marks from Mom!
Familial Facial Markings!
Feral Horses
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 28, 2023
Late Afternoon Light!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- October 10, 2023
Keeping Nose Clean!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
October 16, 2023
Got an Itch!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
October 16, 2023
Long Tongue!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
October 16, 2023
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
December 30, 2023
Aternoon Snack!
Eating Bark!
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- January 1, 2024
Photo of Month January 2024
Best of Friends!
Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- February 11, 2024
Pokey Slow!
Pokey Quills!
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 9, 2024
Evening Meal!
Mom and her Red Dog Baby!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- April 23, 2024
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
April 23, 2024
Trying to Impress the Ladies!
Breeding Display!
Wild Turkey
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- May 19, 2024
A Mother's Kiss!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 9, 2024
Desert Cottontail
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
June 9, 2024
A Mom and her Babe!
American Bison and Calf
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 6, 2024
American Bison and Cowbird
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
July 6, 2024
A Lifetime Photo!
Extraordinarily Rare Combat Dance!
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- July 16, 2024
Photo of the Month- July 2024
Males compete in combat rituals to earn mating rights to nearby females. In these combat “dances,” males face each other with their heads and part of their bodies off the ground, then they intertwine and attempt to throw each other into the ground. The male which is not thrown into the ground earns dominance and mating rights.
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
July 16, 2024
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
July 16, 2024
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
July 16, 2024
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
July 16, 2024
Male Prairie Rattlesnakes
McKenzie County, North Dakota
July 16, 2024
McKenzie County, North Dakota
August 17, 2024
Fastest land animal in Americas 55 mph!
McKenzie County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- August 18, 2024
Bison Moms will nurse their calves for 6 months!
American Bison
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 1, 2024
The band is back!
A group of pronghorns is called a herd or band!
McKenzie County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- September 13, 2024
Very Sleepy!
Afternoon Nap!
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- December 7, 2024
Looking for Food!
Hanging around the Bird Feeder!
Fox Squirrel
Burleigh County, North Dakota
Photo of the Day- March 3, 2025
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