American Kestrels

Dad is looking for Prey!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Mom is Flying!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Mom is Getting Close to Landing!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Landing Gear (Legs and Feet) is Out!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Dad has a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Dad holds out the Mouse for Mom!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Dad gives the Mouse to Mom!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- June 10, 2020

"This is for You, My Love!" Photo of the Month for June 2020

This photo is one of my favorites, all time. I sat in my car, dumbfounded, as a I watched and photographed the male American Kestrel on the left fly to a tree and then give his mouse to his mate, on the right, who flew to the tree for this gift. I have witnessed parent animals feed their babies but I have never seen one adult bird give its food to another adult bird. Males American Kestrels do this during courting, nesting and when feeding babies. What a devoted couple!!

Mom has the Mouse!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Dad has a Cricket!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Mom has a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

Mom Flying with a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 10, 2020

The American Kestrel is one of the most beautiful falcons in North America. Its feather patterns of blues, reds, grays, browns, and blacks make this small bird of prey a real eye-catcher! Apart from their good looks, American Kestrels are also swift fliers with astounding aerobatic abilities.  Kestrels, like a few other birds of prey, are very good at hovering. With the help of a good headwind, kestrels can flap their wings vigorously and maneuver their tail to stay in one spot, like a helicopter in mid-air, while searching the ground for prey. Though it is a small bird, the kestrel needs strength, agility, and stamina to maintain this static flight.  As you may know, all birds of prey have amazing eyesight. Kestrels, like some other birds, can see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the human eye. This ability helps them find and catch prey. This does not mean that kestrels see animals that we don’t, but they do see rodents' urine trails, which reflect ultraviolet light. To a kestrel, these urine trails are like neon arrows pointing to their favorite restaurant. Kestrels might even set up a territory in an area with lots of urine trails because this means there are lots of tasty meals running around.

American Kestrels are found throughout most of North America, Central America, and South America. In their northern range, they are found in Canada and Alaska during the summer breeding season. As winter sets in, they head for warmer climes. Much of their prey hibernates or leaves during the cold winter months, so they must travel to where the food is. American Kestrels usually spend the winter south of the Canadian border and travel as far south as Panama and the Caribbean. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including tropical lowlands, deserts, urban areas, and agricultural fields. If there are sufficient perches like power lines and trees, good nesting cavities, and abundant prey, chances are kestrels will be there too.

American Kestrels feed mainly on insects, mice, voles, lizards, and snakes, making this bird a very good friend to farmers! Like the Barn Owl and many other birds of prey, American Kestrels help keep agricultural fields free of animals that might damage crops.  When hunting, American Kestrels search for prey from a perch overlooking an open area or by hovering in the air. When a kestrel spots its prey, it plunges down, in what's called a stoop, to catch it. Kestrels usually capture their prey on the ground, though they can also take prey in the air. After catching their prey, kestrels will carry it up to a perch (such as a power line or fence post) from which they can comfortably eat. Being up high keeps them away from ground predators, though they still have to watch out for other birds that might attack them or steal their catch.

Like other falcons, kestrels don’t build their own nests. Instead, they lay their eggs in cavities in trees, cacti, and cliffs. They also nest in nesting boxes made by people or in crevices in buildings. It is important to note that even though kestrels nest in tree cavities, they are unable to make these cavities themselves. They rely on the work of other birds, such as woodpeckers, to provide them with good sites! In fact, an American Kestrel won’t nest unless it has a sufficient hole available in a tree, building, or nesting box. A lack of good nesting cavities limits this species' reproduction and population.

American Kestrels, like many birds of prey, are solitary, meaning they spend most of their time alone. The exception to this is during breeding season. The male and female spend a lot of time together during courtship and breeding and while raising young. During courtship, a male kestrel brings the female food.

Females usually lay four to six eggs that are white with brown spots. Both the male and female help incubate the eggs. When the adults incubate the eggs, they sit on them to keep them at the perfect temperature. This is important for the healthy development of the young chicks inside. After about 29 days, the young kestrels hatch.

While they are growing, kestrels chicks eat about two times more than the adults do – consuming two or three mice a day! About 28-31 days after hatching, the chicks are grown and ready to take their first flight. For any bird, the first flights are the most precarious. They leave the nest and, though their parents are still around to protect them, young inexperienced birds can get into a lot of trouble. They have to learn to recognize and evade predators and they can be injured or killed when they fly into windows, are hit by cars, or become tangled up in barbed wire fences. American Kestrels are able to reproduce as early as 1 year of age.

Dad has a Mouse and is Calling for Mom!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is coming to get the Mouse!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is getting Close to the Mouse!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Dad has a Grasshopper!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Getting the Grasshopper!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom has the Grasshopper!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom has the Grasshopper in her Talons!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom the Grasshopper to the Nest!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

The Parents- Dad on the Left and Mom on the Right!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

The Parents- Dad on the Left and Mom on the Right!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Dad has Another Grasshopper!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Getting the Grasshopper!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom has the Grasshopper!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Dad is Flying off to Catch More Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Flying to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Looking into the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Guarding the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Mom is Going into the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Tight Fit!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 11, 2020

Dad with a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020

Mom looking out of the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020

Mom leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020

Mom Flying Away to Find more Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020

Mom leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 12, 2020

Mom entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom bringing Food to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom bringing Food to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom bringing Food to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom bringing Food to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Mom Guarding and Bringing Food to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 14, 2020

Flying to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Flying to the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Flying with a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Flying to the Nest with an Insect!

Tail Feathers Spread to Slow Down Prior to Landing!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Insect for her Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Mouse for her Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020

Insect for her Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- June 20, 2020

Mouse for her Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 20, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Got an Itch!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

My Ear Itches!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Take Off!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Keeping Balance!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Ready for Take Off!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Take Off!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Food for Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Food for Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 28, 2020

Calling to her Babies in the Nest Below!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Looking at his Babies in the Nest Below!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Flying Away to Find Food for his Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Bringing home a Mouse for his Babies!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Dad Leaving the Nest to Find More Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Baby Boy Calling for his Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Baby Calling for his Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Mom Flying Out to Find Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Baby Girl Calling for her Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

I am Hungry.  Please get me More Food!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Mom found an Insect!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Baby Grabbed the Insect!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Dad found a Dragonfly for his Baby!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Look at Mom's Tongue!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Traffic Jam!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Traffic Jam!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 2, 2020

Facing the Easterly Strong Wind!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom is Flying!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad is Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Girl is Looking for her Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Still Looking!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Still Looking!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Here Comes Dad with a Dragonfly!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Here Comes Dad with a Dragonfly!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Girl is Still Hungry!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad has a Dragonfly for his Daughter!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom has Taken Off!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom is Flying By!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Boy is Hungry!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom has a Grasshopper!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom is Feeding her Baby Boy!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom is Taking Off Again!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Here Comes Dad with a Grasshopper!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad Entering the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad Leaving the Nest!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Boy is Looking for His Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Boy is Calling for His Parents!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad has Food for his Baby Boy!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Baby Boy has Lunch!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Mom is Feeding her Baby!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- July 3, 2020

Photo of the Year for 2020!

Baby has Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad has More Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Dad is On the Move!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Busy Dad Brings in More Food!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

I am Still Hungry!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 3, 2020

Where are my Parents?

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 4, 2020

What Time is Lunch?

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 4, 2020

Baby Girl Landing!

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020


American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

On Alert!

American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020


American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Got an Itch!

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020


American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Calling before Chasing Away a Golden Eagle!

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Flying and Calling before Chasing Away a Golden Eagle!

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Mom Feeding Daughter!

American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- July 11, 2020

Mom Feeding Daughter!

American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Mom Fed Baby Daughter!

American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Mom Fed Baby Daughter!

American Kestels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020


American Kestel and Northern Flicker

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 11, 2020

Coming in for a Landing!

American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 18, 2020


American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 18, 2020


American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 18, 2020


American Kestel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 18, 2020

2021 Photos


American Kestrels

Burleigh County, just west of Moffit, North Dakota

April 24, 2021

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 4, 2021

Magpie is upset that male Kestrel has caught a Western Kingbird!

American Kestrel and Black-billed Magpie

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 4, 2021


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 4, 2021

Dad is Coming In, Mom has a Mouse!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Dad is Coming In, Mom is Leaving!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Dad is Coming In, Mom has Left!

American Kestrels

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Mom with a Mouse!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Pink Tongue!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Magestic Mom!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

Sharp Claws!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

June 5, 2021

American Kestrel  

 Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 17, 2022

American Kestrel  

 Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 17, 2022

Meal Delivery!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day July 10, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

 July 10, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 10, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

July 10, 2022

Bug Breakfast!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- September 4, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 9, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 9, 2022

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 9, 2022

Evening Meal!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- September 16, 2022


American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- September 17, 2022

Flight Photo!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

September 25, 2022

2023 Photos

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

On the Fly!

Staying on top of 2 feet of snow!

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- April 10, 2023

Photo of the Month- April 2023

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

American Kestrel

Burleigh County, North Dakota

April 10, 2023

On the Hunt!

Diet Consists of Insect, Mice and Voles!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 6, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 11, 2024

Soaring By!

Graceful Flyer!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- April 12, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 9, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

April 23, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 5, 2024


Kestrel 1 Dragonfly 0!

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- May 9, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 9, 2024

American Kestrel

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

May 9, 2024

Locking Talons!

Evening Playtime in the Air!

American Kestrels

McKenzie County, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- August 13, 2024

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

 August 13, 2024

Incredible Capture of Grasshopper in Midflight!

Rotating to use Talons!

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

Photo of the Day- August 17, 2024

Got It!

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024

Off he Goes!

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024

American Kestrel

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024

American Kestrels

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024

American Kestrels

McKenzie County, North Dakota

August 17, 2024